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St. Rita School
...the place to be where the love of Christ is lived and shared.
Hands and Hearts

HSA Fundraisers & Events

Dear St. Rita School Families,

We hope this message finds you well! The HSA is pleased to share that we have exceeded our goal of $60,000 for the 2023–2024 School Year, with a total of $69,067. We could not have accomplished this without the help of our SRS parents, families, and friends. These funds will help bridge the gap between the $6,059 tuition cost for a K-8 child and the true cost to educate a K-8 student at $7,314 per year.

Our main goal this year has shifted to “Mission Driven” Community Fundraisers ($60,000), however, in 2024–2025 we want to be ambitious, therefore, all funds raised over our goal will be utilized to begin an exciting renovation project selected by our principal, pastor, and school council, following the completion of the School Facility assessment! Our target including this new initiative for the 2024–2025 school year is $110,000.

We encourage you to check back often for updates or get involved with an event. Contact us today.

2024–2025 Fundraisers

Color Run - October 5

Goal: $15K / Co-Chairs: Tammy Emerling and Carly Hertica

Mums Sale - Money raised: $2,650

Goal: $2K / Co-Chairs: Liz Pietrantuono, Terren Lawler, and Dave Gatto

Shred Day - November 2

Goal: $2K / Chair: Kelly Mulhern

Charleston Wrap - October 15 to November 5

Goal: $9K / Co-Chairs: Naville Velasco and Hilary Nawrocki

N.U.T. Coupons

Monday, January 13
Tuesday, February 11
Monday, March 17
Wednesday, April 23
Thursday, May 15
N.U.T. Coupons and Dress Down Day Guidelines
Goal: $5K / Co-Chairs: Kelly Feiler and Christine McPherson

Order N.U.T. Coupons Here

Raise Craze - January 29–February 7 and February 13

Goal: $35K / Co-Chairs: Rosa Sullivan and Jodie Pitterson

Butterbraids - April

Goal: $2K / Co-Chairs: Robin Innaimo and Brienne Miner

Online Auction - April

Goal: $20K / Co-Chairs: Sherryll Robers and Tanya Rucker

Mother's Day Plant Sale - May 7–9

Goal: $2K / Co-Chairs: Meghan Burns and Christine McPherson

Golf Tournament - May 5

Goal: $20K / Co-Chairs: Nina Martire, Jeff Martire, and Rosa Sullivan

Box Tops for Education

Earn cash for our school! It's easy and requires no more clipping. All you need is your smartphone.

How to Earn Box Tops flyer